The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Clint Eastwood’s «The Mule»

Exploring Clint Eastwood’s vast cinematic universe is always a journey full of surprises and life lessons. While «The Mule» may not top the list of the master filmmaker’s best movies, it undeniably possesses that distinctive touch only Eastwood can offer. With each film, Eastwood not only provides entertainment but also deep reflection on life, courage, and redemption.

After being somewhat disappointed with «Unforgiven,» I decided to give, as I understand, Clint Eastwood’s latest film a chance. While no movie will ever surpass the greatness of «The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,» I must admit that «The Mule» pleasantly surprised me, as I had heard very few comments about it.

The Good:
«The Mule» immerses us in the life of an elderly man who finds himself in unexpected circumstances, navigating the world of drug trafficking. Despite his age, this character teaches us valuable lessons about maturity, experience, and the importance of doing what is right, even when the path seems dark, lessons that are conveyed through his conversations with the policeman, portrayed by an actor I really like: Bradley Cooper. The film’s unhurried pace doesn’t diminish its interest but rather allows each key moment to unfold with depth and meaning.

A «mule» is someone, in the world of drug trafficking, who transports drugs from one place to another in exchange for money. By the way, a couple of days ago I watched a Mexican film that also talks about these «mules» but in a very original context, in the Tarahumara Sierra and the Rarámuris natives; but well, there will be time later to talk about that film.

Returning to «The Mule,» perhaps the most fascinating aspect is the complex exploration of morality that the film presents. Clint Eastwood challenges conventions by introducing us to a protagonist who uses dirty drug money to carry out good deeds, such as helping his family, other people, and his community. Although this decision is illegal and poses ethical dilemmas, it leaves us reflecting on the difficult choices people face in desperate situations and also on an aspect of the United States that few see (that’s another good aspect, it breaks from the convention where the USA is portrayed as perfect and shows an aspect less talked about of that country). In a world where the lines between good and evil often blur, «The Mule» invites us to question our own notions of morality and justice.

The Bad:
While the film offers an enriching cinematic experience, some critics may point out certain aspects that could have been improved. For example, portraying the protagonist as a womanizer at 88 years old may seem discordant to some viewers, although this detail does not detract from the overall plot’s merit.

The Ugly:
«The Mule» reflects the harsh reality of people who are drawn by economic problems into dangerous and risky situations. This movie shows us how money can influence desperate decisions, jeopardizing not only freedom but also personal and familial integrity. Although it is a specific portrayal of the American reality, its themes resonate universally.

In conclusion, «The Mule» is a movie that cannot be overlooked. With Clint Eastwood’s impeccable performance, who at 88 years old embodies the protagonist with impressive depth and credibility, this film offers a cinematic experience that captivates and moves. Beyond its plot, «The Mule» invites us to reflect on the complexity of life and the decisions we make on our journey toward redemption and inner peace.

Don’t miss this fascinating journey with «The Mule»!


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