The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of «Planet of the Apes: Kingdom of the Planet»: Phenomenal or Disappointing?

A Return to the Planet of the Apes

Welcome to a new chapter in the «Planet of the Apes» saga. This time, we find ourselves with «Planet of the Apes: Kingdom of the Planet» (2024), a film that has generated much anticipation among fans of the series. I attended the premiere with high expectations, recalling the impressive trilogy of Caesar. However, I was surprised by how this new installment unfolded. Does it live up to its predecessors? Join me as we break down the good, the bad, and the ugly of this new ape adventure.

The Good: Echoes of the Past and New Ideas

On the positive side, «Planet of the Apes: Kingdom of the Planet» offers some interesting ideas worth mentioning. The main character, Noa, while not connecting in the same way as Caesar, has his moments of charisma. I found the concept of the believers of Caesar particularly curious and entertaining, a parallel to Christians following the teachings of Jesus. This aspect of the film added a layer of depth and humor to the plot, referencing Caesar’s enduring influence in the ape world.

The Bad: A Bland and Disconnected Story

However, the film falls short in several crucial aspects. Personally, I found the story quite bland and lacking in flavor. Unlike the previous trilogy, which was filled with emotion and meaning, this new installment feels empty and often boring. Noa, while not a bad character, fails to connect in the same way Caesar did. Additionally, the secondary characters, including Noa’s friends and the girl, fail to generate a significant emotional bond. It’s hard to believe that a young girl could eliminate so many apes, which detracts from the plot’s credibility.

The Ugly: Nostalgia and Commercialism

We come to the most disappointing aspect of «Planet of the Apes: Kingdom of the Planet»: its evident attempt to play on fans’ nostalgia. Much like the recent Star Wars trilogy, this film seems more intent on selling than on providing something new and meaningful to the saga. The plot not only lacks depth but also feels forced and artificial, trying to revive the success of the previous installments without capturing their essence.

Conclusion: A Return That Falls Short

In my very personal conclusion, «Planet of the Apes: Kingdom of the Planet» fails to live up to Caesar’s trilogy. Although some fans, like my girlfriend, enjoyed the movie, I found it to be a bland and senseless story. The connection with the characters is weak, and the plot is boring at times. While there are interesting elements such as the believers of Caesar, they are not enough to save the film. I give it a 6/10, as it seems to be more of an attempt to capitalize on nostalgia than to offer a new and exciting adventure.


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